Wednesday 3 August 2011

3rd August 2011 WOYWW

Morning - I just love Wednesdays cause it gives me a chance to go snooping around people's craft rooms all over the world!  How do I do that you ask?  Well, if you hop over to Julia's blog you can check it out. I have added two pictures of my worktop, the first one is this:
Quite boring really just an image ready to be coloured and various snowflakes scattered around (can't you tell Christmas is on its way?)

The second image is this one:

I have decided to start cataloging my stamps and that is a pile there waiting to be done - I have got another pile on the other side of the room - lol!  If anyone has a great system I would love to hear about it - or see it.  The stamps are in front of my new Cricut which I have had now about a month but am waiting for winter until I try to get to grips with it, thought I would have more time in winter to play around with it and I want to start doing some scrapbooking then also.  Stop by and check Julia's blog out and see some of the interesting work spaces out there!  Take care x


ScrappnBee said...

Thanks for sharing your workdesk today! I need to catalog my stamps, but I haven't gotten to it! Good luck with the Christmas Prep! -Amanda

famfa said...

Getting organised. Nothing better. Love your 'men' card. Very cheeky

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love that window of yours. Such great light coming through. Good luck with the cataloging. :)

Lisa said...

Ooh you have an Imagine too!
Thanks for sharing

Glenda said...

Lovely space and wonderful window for natural light!

Unknown said...

Hi Susan - looks like you have got a lovely light and airy space to craft in.

As far as filing my stamps - I file each pack on their original sheet, put this is an A5 polypocket with a sheet of A5 card stock in for stability. I file these in different A5 ring binders catagorising them e.g. flora and fauna, cute, fairies, men, baby, wedding, butterflies, (general) love, christmas, sentiments, etc, etc, - all the popular catagories really - yours will depend on what stamps you have. I also file my peel offs in a concertina file using similar catagories so I know where to find things. It works for me - but you'll find your own way - you maybe able to take something from this - or tweek it to suit your needs.

Good luck with your cataloguing!!!

Paula x x x

Yogi said...

thanks for the peeks. that's an interesting window above your work area. It sure helps me having my stamps organized by topic both in storage and in removable page type journals that has all the info of the maker and stuff, when i bought it and how much i paid etc. I love just going through them and getting inspired by an image.

Morti said...

Oh my, I don't envy you the task of cataloging your stamps! I couldn't do mine - I lost count at 700! Mind you, Mr B has designs on doing it for me....LOL

Thanks for stopping by!

Ps love the RUB storage tower!

Elizabeth said...

Hello, just catching up with WOYWW after a hectic few days that kept me from my craftroom. I started to catalogue my stamps some time ago but am nowhere near finished yet, though I'm sure it will be very helpful when done. Good luck with your blog - I see it's early days. Elizabeth x #73

okienurse said...

nice looking work space. Very busy! Sorry I am so late getting around but once again life has interfered with what I want to do! Thanks for sharing. Vickie