Friday 1 February 2013


Thank you so much for all your kind words regarding my cat Louis.  We took him back to the vet yesterday and he had further blood tests and an x ray.  They were going to sedate him for the  x ray but he was too ill and it would have been too risky but they managed to do it without sedation.  The x ray showed a large tumour surrounding his liver and the blood tests showed that in the two days since his last one he had become even more anaemic.  The vet told us he had about 24 hours left to live.  I wanted to bring him home to be in his own home but the vet advised us that it would not be a good idea so with a very heart we had him put to sleep yesterday afternoon.

I cannot believe how quickly this has happened just two and a half weeks ago I was scolding him for jumping on the kitchen workshop to try and eat the Sunday roast!  He was a rescue cat and originally my daughters but when she had an episode of her illness 5 and a half years ago he came to live with us and then stayed with us.  He was a huge cat but the most gentlest cat, he never scratched or tried to bite even when Harrison was loving him!  He would come up to my craft room and make himself cosy on top of whatever I was doing:

Take care xx


Mandy said...

Aww Susan my heart goes out to you our pets become such a large part of our lives,but at least you have fabulous memories and pictures and when it counted you did the best for Louis...Thinking of you,big hugs...
Mandy x

karen said...

So sorry Susan,hey look at those gorgeous memories you have of him and what a handsome chap I might add! Bless his little heart and sending you hugs, Karenxx

Chrissy said...

Oh! Susan, I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you..what a beautiful big cat..sending cyber hugs to you..


nnalorac said...

So sorry Susan, know exactly how your feeling. They bring us so much pleasure and happy mempories to look back on. Sending a hug. Carolxx

Crafty Mamma Mia said...

Hi Susan - so very sorry to hear about your cat. I hope he wasn't in pain and suffering for long. Love the photos of him - fantastic memories for your to treasure.
Take care,
Love Helen xxx

Sunshine Girl said...

So sorry to hear Susan - am sending hugs.

julie_woolston said...

Aww so sorry Susan so sorry to hear your sad news.
Sending lots of hugs your way, Julie xxx

chrissy xx said...

Oh Susan.....So sorry to hear x
Words really can't put into words how you must feel....
Sending Hugs.

Sue said...

Oh dear Susan. So sorry to hear your sad news. My heart goes out to you. I am sure you have many happy memories and your photos show what a gorgeous cat he was.
Sending you hugs, take care

Carol said...

So sorry Susan, sending hugs. Carol x

Lorraine said...

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Susan.
I'm sending you a huge hug!
Lorraine x

Unknown said...

A very sad day I am so sorry to hear that awful news, sending you big hugs.
Chris xx

Sonia said...

I'm so sorry my dear friend to hear this sad news about you beautiful cat..
I'm near you,big hug,


Hi Susan
So sorry to hear about your cat Louis my heart goes out for you and know what it like to loose a family pet
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Sue B said...

Aww I'm SO sorry Susan… it has all happened so fast. I know it is hardest thing to do to let them go… but you were right not to let Louis suffer. You must feel devastated though.... aww I'm sending you Huge Hugs hun!!!!
Take care
Lots of love
Sue xx

Patricia said...

Sending you a GREAT BIG (HUG)

Patricia xx

Unknown said...

Poor Louis... I am so, so sorry for you Susan... it's awful having to say goodbye to a dear friend... Take care, hugs, Ira xox

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your precious kitty. It is never easy to let a pet go, they bring so much joy.

Glenda Atkins said...

So very sorry Susan, my heart goes out to you!

sue w. said...

Aww Susan, so sorry to hear about Louis, I know how sad you must feel, my heart goes out to you hun.
Hugs Sue W.

Eileen said...

So sorry to read about Louis. Our animals are with us such a short time but by the sound of it he loved his time with your family.
Sending you a hug
Eileen x

cotnob said...

I'm so sorry Susan, everything has happened so fast I can't believe it. It is such a hard decision to make but you were right not to let Louis suffer, you must be so sad but at least you have your fond memories.
Take care.

Craftychris said...

oh Susan it is so sad about Louis! I am so sorry, he looks gorgeous in the photo's, bless him. Pets are part of the family they leave a big hole but at least he is pain free and peaceful. You take care and I hope you are feeling better from your bug. Big blog hugs - Christine xxx

Debs said...

So sorry to read your news Susan - my heart goes out to you.
Looks like you have some really happy memories to look on and some fabulous photos - thank you for sharing.
Take care
Debs xx

Planetsusie said...

Hello Susan - I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you have just lost Louis - we lost ours last year within a month of each other and then our feral outdoor cat died in August. They really do leave a big hole in your life don't they. Mine used to come and craft with me as well and I still catch sight of them - even though they aren't there! I really am sad for you.

Hugs to you Sue Pxxx